Featured Products

Ladies Latin Dance Costume
Ballroom Latin Dance Shoes
ON SALE - $119.00
Ladies Ballroom Latin Dance Shoes
ON SALE - $99.00
Ladies Dramatic Black Latin Costume
Ballroom Latin Dance Shoes
ON SALE - $119.00
Heel Caps for Ballroom Dance Shoes
Ballroom Latin Dance Shoe
Ladies Ballroom Latin Dance Shoes
ON SALE - $99.00
Ladies Ballroom Latin Dance Shoes
ON SALE - $129.00
Men's Ballroom / Latin Dance Shoes

Upcoming Events

Nothing planned...
6:45 PM Social Dancing 101"Open" Foxtrot
7:30 PM Formation Class

ONLINE CLASS REGISTRATION : Save time and energy that could be better spent dancing by registering for classes online. No need to bring a checkbook to class anymore!

STAY INFORMED : Always know what's going on in Augusta! Join our mailing list.

OTHER DANCING EVENTS : Visit our calendar to find classes and events in the area. Make sure you check out what's going on NEXT MONTH!.

Weddings and Socials

Planning your Wedding Dance?

It's your wedding day and you want everything to be perfect...... Don't leave your first dance to chance. Let Teena Marie and the wonderful staff at Ballroom in Motion help you prepare in style! We can:

  • Choreograph to "your" song or help you choose one
  • Father/Daughter or Mother/Son dance
  • Fun Classes for your entire wedding party
  • Practice lesson at your reception hall to make sure it's perfect

Come in and see Teena Marie and the friendly staff at Ballroom in Motion for their specialized instruction and the next time your honey asks "do you want to dance" you can say I DO !

Looking for

For a limited time, Ballroom In Motion is offering free one-week and two-week lesson packages to new students.

Learn More!